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Жидкие парафины - Страница 4
- Vauhti GW Warm Liquid Glide, +7°...-3°C, 80mlSpecial Price 13,60 € Regular Price 17,00 €GW liquids have thinner content than other liquid glide waxes which means faster evaporation time and easier to brush.
- TOKO Express Racing Spray 0°...-30°C, 125 mlSpecial Price 17,60 € Regular Price 22,00 €Performance racing spray for all kinds of snow and temperatures.
- Start Easy Glider HF Cold Liquid -5°...-20°C, 90 mlSpecial Price 15,00 € Regular Price 20,00 €Liquid HF glider.
- Rex 410 RCX Pink "UHW" Glider +5...-20°CSpecial Price 34,50 € Regular Price 46,00 €Artificial snow / coare snow / slow cold snow
- Maplus LP2 Med Liquid -9...-2°C, (PFOA-free), 150 mlSpecial Price 21,75 € Regular Price 29,00 €Fluorinated liquid paraffin for racing use as final product or as a base before applying fluorocarbon waxes FP4.
- Vauhti Pace LF Warm liquid glide +7...-3, 100mlSpecial Price 15,00 € Regular Price 20,00 €Fluorinated glider series with good gliding performance in all snow types and weather conditions.
- Vauhti Pace LF Cold liquid glide -5...-20, 100mlSpecial Price 15,00 € Regular Price 20,00 €Fluorinated glider series with good gliding performance in all snow types and weather conditions.
- Vauhti Pure Up Cold Liquid -2°...-20°C, 100mlSpecial Price 32,00 € Regular Price 40,00 €PURE UP COLD LIQUID for cold snow conditions, -2/-20°C
- Vauhti Pace LF Polar Liquid Glide -5...-25, 100mlSpecial Price 15,00 € Regular Price 20,00 €Fluorinated glider series with good gliding performance in all snow types and weather conditions.
- Vauhti Pure UP Polar liquid glider -5...-25, 100mlSpecial Price 32,00 € Regular Price 40,00 €UP POLAR For very cold snow conditions, -5°C/-25°C
- Vauhti Pace LF All Temp liquid glide, 100mlSpecial Price 15,00 € Regular Price 20,00 €Fluorinated glider series with good gliding performance in all snow types and weather conditions.
- Optiwax Gripcare fluid for Nanogrip and Optigrip skis, 60mlSpecial Price 28,80 € Regular Price 36,00 €Gripcare® - service product for Optigrip-, Nanogrip- and other waxless skis: - Increases glide and grip properties - Prevents icing in the problematic conditions - Cleans the surface of the ski
- Gallium General Premium Fluor, 30mlSpecial Price 17,25 € Regular Price 23,00 €Universal fluorinated emulsion glide wax for all temperatures and all types of snow.
- Start Easy Glider Cold liquid -5...-20°C, 90mlSpecial Price 10,40 € Regular Price 13,00 €Nya START Easy produkter är säkra och lätta att använda.
- Start Easy Glider liquid +5...-10°C, 90mlSpecial Price 12,00 € Regular Price 15,00 €Nya START Easy produkter är säkra och lätta att använda.
- Solda SKI OIL Green -1°...-30°C, 75mlSpecial Price 28,80 € Regular Price 36,00 €This highly innovative product represents the ultimate solution for a fast, clean, easy and long lasting ski waxing for all kinds of skiing (Alpine, Snowboard and X-country) with allround conditions of air humidity and with all types of snow.
- Solda SKI OIL Green -1°...-30°C, 25mlSpecial Price 12,80 € Regular Price 16,00 €This highly innovative product represents the ultimate solution for a fast, clean, easy and long lasting ski waxing for all kinds of skiing (Alpine, Snowboard and X-country) with allround conditions of air humidity and with all types of snow.
- NZERO Universal Cross Country ECO wax 0...-30°C, 100mlSpecial Price 9,60 € Regular Price 16,00 €Nytt och innovativt, snabbverkande vax för de mest krävande längdåknings åkare Marknadens enda 100% rent ekologiskt framställda vax.